Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Also I've realised I say "Weird" and "Ugly" too much.
Note to self-be cleverer
Naked bodies are actually so weird and ugly. Bits and bobs hanging here and there-ugh. Thank God for original sin.
(Pun intended).

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Betrayal is an ugly thing. So are hats and ugg boots.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

I actually quite like Middlemarch now. Weird.

Monday, 17 August 2009

s. Darko

It has happened; at the early age of 19. You might think this naiive and silly to affirm but i believe it has. I have seen the worst film i will ever see in my life.
S. Darko is supposedly the follow up movie to the cult classic Donnie Darko but i can tell you now Chris Fisher's "follow up" may be the most farcical piece of shit cinema that has ever been made. The film had no direction, several story lines(none of which appeared to inter-link) and a whole heap of characters you really didn't care at all about. (Including Iraq Jack, who most resembles D. Darko and Samantha Darko who manages to die and be brought back to life, twice).
The film included all the same motifs and events from the first film; a tormented soul, a fire causing damage to an "innocent" man, (later shown to have held up a facade), time travel, those weird water soul things. I can't be bothered to list the rest, the film isn't worth it.
S. Darko offers nothing new to the table. If you want to feel better about yourself as a human being who hasn't been involved in this shambolic piece of cinema, then give it a go. But as far as i'm concerned, i want to rent all the copies from blockbuster and burn the shit out of them.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Middlemarch is such a boring book. Argh, if i could express how much i hate a book it would pour out in torrents over this steaming pile of shit. I'm sorry George Elliot, kudos for Silas Marner, but Middlemarch? I can see how it encapsulates Victorian life and society but why encapsulate Victorian life and socitey when it was shit depressing and bleak? Nothing happens apart from discussing marriage and money. And then perhaps getting married, oh wait no? No, we'll talk about marriage and the estate some more.

I've never felt more like packing up a whole degree and career as a result of one woman's depiction of the 19th century.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Does dyslexia really excuse getting "I before E" wrong? Perhaps when you're 5, 10 maybe, but at 20 you really need to stop being so fucking lazy and put it the right way round, Fanny Cassius

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Finally, it's just taken me about 7 minutes to find out how to post a blog!! Jesus Christ I am useless! I Don't even have anything useful to say apart from that I am a big girl now who can write "wot she finks."
I wish I thought something right now.